Super Lawyers

Announce your Super Lawyers selection on social media

Our Recognition Video Plaque is an affordable option that packs a punch.
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Dear Jacqueline M. Valdespino,

The use of video is becoming more important to staying competitive on the web. Our cost-effective Recognition Video Plaque is a great way to increase the visibility of your recent selection to the Super Lawyers list in a clear and concise manner to the digital world.

Designed as a one-minute, high-definition clip, the Recognition Video Plaque packs a lot of punch. Its personalized introduction includes your name, photo, firm name, current selection year and top list (if applicable). Viewers see details about the patented selection process and the video closes with your contact information.

Purchase a Recognition Video Plaque Today and Save!

As an added bonus we would like to offer you a 15% discount on a Recognition Video Plaque through November 28, 2014. This offer is only valid in the online store by using coupon code “ABCTDL”. This is the lowest price we have offered on this product – take advantage of the discount today!


Questions? Contact Tina Justison


Super Lawyers

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